This list is books that I have personally read, and can say with all my heart that I absolutely adore. These are the kind of books that I will buy physical copies of if I just so happened to end up with the ebook option. Basically, this list is a list of books that I think are worth my limited reading time to read again and again.
I’m not saying that you have to read any of these books, to be clear, but these are books that I am very sure are worth the time if you feel so inclined!
I don’t get anything for directing you to these websites/stores. This is just something that I did to show some support for some of my favorite authors. Something that perhaps you would like to read as well.
New Favorite Space Opera Series
Dekra 9-2-6

What I Thought: Expedition
Expedition is really an amazing book. I’m not normally a huge fan of Space Opera (though I do really love Stargate SG-1) and this book has a very similar feel. I loved everything about it. All 616 pages. I know that sounds like a daunting amount of pages to turn, but they flip easily, and I found myself sucked into it from the first page.
It’s a great read, the characters feel real and are very loveable. I can’t wait to move onto the next book, and based on what I’ve read of with this book, I expect Cure will be just as amazing.
10/10 I plan to buy the paperback for my shelves!
I also plan to buy for gifts for my space geek friends.
What I Thought: The Cure
When I started this book I thought I was pretty attached to the Dekra 9-2-6 crew. I didn’t think it could get better.
I was wrong. I laughed, I seethed, I mourned…all because of the great writing.
Read this book. You will NOT be disappointed!
What I Thought: Redemption
A thrilling third installation!
Just when I think I can’t get MORE attached to these characters, I find another level! I’ve laughed, I’ve scoffed, I’ve fumed and nearly cried…the pride I felt by the end of this book is VERY real. Better believe that book 4 will be on my preorder list! It should be on yours too!
Favorite Sherlock Holmes Re-Work

What I Thought:
I loved SHERLOCK Holmes growing up. Always have. When I stumbled on Warlock Holmes, I was curious. This is a great book. I can’t wait to pick up the next one! I bought it a couple of years ago and I’ve read it twice since then. I laugh like an idiot every time. 10/10
Who doesn’t love a supernatural crime fighting detective?
The Belladonna Trilogy

What I Thought:
Top marks all around. There’s very few books that I know I’ll be buying the next one before the halfway mark, and this is one series I know I’ll be chasing all the way to the end.Spectacular gaslamp fantasy. Everything felt like one congruent world and that can be tricky sometimes. I CANNOT wait for the second one to be in my hands!