If ever you wondered to yourself about who the unsung heros are that make Big Town great, wonder no longer. This is my chance to brag a little on the people that help me get my stories from just hanging out on a page, to in your hands and on your eReaders. And if you ever find yourself in need of their services, each one of them comes highly reccomended.
A good editor is worth their weight in gold to the writer they choose to adopt. I’m lucky enough to not only have found such an editor, but I also can truthfully say that she is behind my stories and wants them to succeed just as much as I do. A rare thing in the world of publishing. People will tell you that “no one cares about your work as much as you do” and tell you not to assume that they’re going to work just as hard as you to make it shine and reach as far and as high as it could.
Not so with Paige. We’re a team. Starsky and Hutch, Castle and Beckett, Calvin and Hobbes, Monte and Olli. She goes with all my crazy ideas, cheering me on, but pushing for the best story that I can possibly write.
I’ve always thought pass/fail was easier. And tough but fair were the people I have always wanted to please the most. And that’s who she is as an editor. Tough, fair, and always looking for the best side of the story to polish.
Worth her weight (and then some) in gold.
If you’re looking for an editor. She’s your girl. Check her out!
(If I couldn’t make her red pen run out, I doubt you will)

Paige: In her own words
The reason I wanted to become an editor is to bring good stories to light by helping first time authors develop their writing style and voice. To do this, I include positive feedback throughout the work and summary after the piece highlighting the author’s strengths. Constructive feedback is given with notes to explain why the change was made. Throughout the work there will also be questions. In answering these questions, the author can ensure consistency, navigate plot holes, and be guided to build a strong story.
As a student looking to expand their portfolio, my prices are at a reduced rate and reviews are greatly appreciated! I am excited to broaden my experience by working on a variety of projects. I have ten years of editing experience working with business and freelance projects. Those who I have worked with have gone on to be published and I have also been published myself!
Bookshops, especially those of the indie variety are so special. Truely the unsung heros!
Salient Books
This shop may be small…but it’s currently in its first year. Already there’s big plans being thrown around for book fairs and an actual store front in the next three years or so.
Until that becomes a thing, and even after, the online sales make this little bookshop world-wide!
There’s so many amazing authors, and from all genres too! Totally worth spending some time and money there.